Sure! In Astoria you will find a few more Greek cheeses, and also at Titan Foods the supermarket where all Greek restaurants buy from. Try the sweet and creamy Manouri which is also available in many NY delis.
Wonderful post Aglaia! I personally think feta is most overrated. I don’t believe it deserves the recognition it gets.
After I have moved to Thessaloniki I’ve had a chance to get to know some other fine selection of cheese, all more wonderful than the previous one. And this article will help me find even more.
THANKS for the good words! Touloumotyri is one of the cheeses we share with you! It was strange to find it everywhere in the touristic Istanbul markets...
I would joyfully be a Greek food taster and tester in perpetuity. What a wonderful post, I have some work cut out for me to source some of these gorgeous cheeses.
You need to come cook and eat with us in our Kea cooking vacation...
Sure! In Astoria you will find a few more Greek cheeses, and also at Titan Foods the supermarket where all Greek restaurants buy from. Try the sweet and creamy Manouri which is also available in many NY delis.
Wonderful post Aglaia! I personally think feta is most overrated. I don’t believe it deserves the recognition it gets.
After I have moved to Thessaloniki I’ve had a chance to get to know some other fine selection of cheese, all more wonderful than the previous one. And this article will help me find even more.
THANKS for the good words! Touloumotyri is one of the cheeses we share with you! It was strange to find it everywhere in the touristic Istanbul markets...
I would joyfully be a Greek food taster and tester in perpetuity. What a wonderful post, I have some work cut out for me to source some of these gorgeous cheeses.
I love this headline! I'd love to try non-feta Greek cheeses..I think I'll have to wander to a Greek neighborhood here in New York sometime!